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                                              PALACIO DE MIRAMAR                                                      SAN SEBASTIAN, JUNE 24-26, 2015


César Bona
Global Teacher Finalist Prize, 2015
He is a candidate for the Global Teacher Prize as one of the 50 best teachers in the world. He is a member of the Independent Conseil for Childhood Protection (Consejo Independiente de Protección de la Infancia) and author of the book `De cómo 12 niños y un maestro buscaron cambiar el mundo: El Cuarto Hocico´.
He is a promoter of a social education that places children near to their reality in order to interact with it and make changes from a critical thought. He is the leader of the international initiative `Children For Animals´, whose origin was the first virtual protector of animals led by children.
His innovative work in the classroom, with improvements in the learning of his students, involving families and environments, has made him be deserving of numerous recognitions like: `Cruz José de Calazans´, `Premio Internacional EducaRed´, `Mejor Experiencia de Aula´, `Mención de Honor en el International Children Film Festival of India´, `Premio Nacional CreArte´, `Premio Nacional de Ecoiniciativas´, `Premio Nacional APPDA´, `Premio Medio Ambiente Aragón 2013´ and `Premio Huella de Oro´.

Video Candidatura de César Bona GLOBAL TEACHER PRIZE:

Experience from a Spanish Teacher Candidate for the Global Teacher Prize
From the concept of that children must not leave their hopes and curiosity outside the classroom, while teachers must assume the challenge to ensure their own creativity in order to spark off the creativity of their students, César Bona shares his teaching practice in the classroom and the way through which he gets the participation of families and environment to improve the learning of girls and boys under their responsability. Always taking into account that there are many teachers that do to.
The respect, attentive listening, critical thought, consensus order, positive attitude and vocation are the framework of his conference. He ensures that: `facing the rigidity of educational programming, we must stop to know to the children that will spend so much time with us.....childhood goes quickly, do not forget the importance of enjoy it´.